Tech Info 127: Mac OS X 10.6 client issue

HELIOS Tech Info #127

Tue, 6 Apr 2010

Mac OS X 10.6 client issue

We had customer reports about AFP Mac OS X 10.6 client problems.

There is either an error when a file is copied (e.g. Error -10) or the client hangs in an endless loop.

Further investigation shows that the affected servers had a custom 'afpsrv' preference "dsiblocksize" assigned with a really small value (less than 32 kB). This is a Mac OS X 10.6 client issue and not server related.

To solve this issue, the "dsiblocksize" preference must be removed via the command
    prefvalue -k "Programs/afpsrv/dsiblocksize" -d

followed by a
    stop-helios now

Alternatively, you can stop/start the 'afpsrv' program separately using the HELIOS "srvutil" command.