Migrating HELIOS 4th generation to UB

There are some changes in configuration files or preferences between HELIOS 4th generation (CD018 … CD020) and HELIOS UB (CD021). The notes below describe in detail the needed tasks to solve possible configuration issues.

Base UB
Authentication Server

The preferences “sysadmgroup”, “queadmgroup”, “prnadmgroup”, and “wsadmgroup” are now exclusively handled by the authentication server, likewise “ypdir”.
The HELIOS utility program “chpasswd” is obsolete, creating or changing passwords is done by “authutil”.

“dt” Tools

HELIOS “dt” tools feature high Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX compatibility and come with many advantages over the standard UNIX commands:

  • Better Windows and Mac OS X client support
  • HELIOS authentication server AD / PDC support
  • Better UNIX tool compatibility

For details see HELIOS News 19 April, 2006

Accounting files / “swho”
  • The server names displayed by "swho" and printer names displayed by “server.acct” are now the same names as displayed by “srvutil status” (“afpsrv”, “pcshare”, “papsrv”, “mailsrv”, … instead of “AFPServer”, “PCShare”, “LaserWriter”, “MailServer”, …).    
Parameters for printer notification scripts
  • The 4th generation software unintentionally allowed handing over parameters to a “Print To Disk” notification script via the “notifyprog” preference. The drawback on this behavior is that it induced problems with spaces and special characters. However, the UB software only allows specifying the path to the script. Parameters should be specified within the notification script.
    The same applies to “Print Preview” queues (“pdfnotifyprog” preference) and “Create PDF” queues (“distillnotifyprog” preference). 
Volume encoding
  • All CTRL-characters 0x01-0x1f (e.g. the old style ^01 for CTRL-A) are now stored as binary instead of quoted. This enhances HELIOS UTF-8 compatibility with UTF-8. The following characters are still quoted in HELIOS UTF-8 to preserve the compatibility with Windows and UNIX:
    Due to this change it may rarely occur that some files are no longer accessible. One affected file is the “Icon^0d” file which is written by a pre Mac OS X Finder. Since these files are not longer used by Mac OS X they can be either removed or renamed. See also HELIOS TechInfo #093.

    To remove the “Icon^0d” files, change to the UNIX directory where the volume is located and issue the following command line (using “sh”):
    find . -name Icon^0d | grep -v .rsrc | ( while read x; do /usr/local/helios/bin/dt rm "$x"; done )

    Note: The command should only be issued when no user is connected to the volume. For a test, you can use “dt ls -l” instead of “dt rm” in the line above. This will only list and not delete the files. As “dt” is used, no rebuild is required.

    Rename “Icon^0d” via this perl script. Use this script logged-in as “root” and change to the EtherShare volume root directory. Then call the script. Note that this script cannot run when users are connected to the volume. This script also calls “rebuild”, which may take some time on larger volumes.
EtherShare UB
Mac AFP file / directory comments
  • EtherShare UB stores all file comments in UTF-8 instead of the Mac client encoding. Existing file comments in the client encoding, e.g. MacRoman containing special characters like umlauts will be displayed wrong. Changing comments from the Mac OS 8/9 file info can be used to correct comments. 
New UTF-8 preferences
  • HELIOS 4th generation products used the client encoding (e.g. MacRoman) in the settings for printer queue names, volume names, server name, AppleTalk zone names, and user long names. When non-ASCII characters are used (e.g. Umlauts), the name will be mangled in HELIOS UB.

    For the migration to HELIOS UB, reassign those names using HELIOS Admin or EtherShare Admin UB to obtain the correct UTF-8 based preferences. Note that these UTF-8 based names will automatically be translated to the proper client encoding for old clients or printers. 
PCShare UB
Windows printer
  • The password for Windows printers (“smbif”) must be set again with HELIOS Admin. 
PCShare telnet access
  • By default, the PCShare service port 2003 is only accessible from localhost, unless the preference 'Programs/pcshare/RemoteAccess' is set to TRUE.
WebShare UB
WebShare action scripts
  • The WebShare action script location has changed. To enable custom scripts store them in “var/settings/WebShare/Actions”. The old “var/webshare/actions” directory is not used any longer. Existing actions must be moved from “var/webshare/actions” to “var/settings/WebShare/Actions”. The “var/webshare/actions” directory can then be deleted.
  • The WebShare sample action scripts are now stored in “var/settings/WebShare/Actions/Samples”. 
Virtual WebShare Users
  • The format of “HELIOSDIR/var/conf/webshare.passwd” has changed. The third field now contains the user name instead of a user ID. An empty field identifies a host user. To update existing entries in “webshare.passwd”, the “Run as Host User” field in “User Administration” must be set again for all existing users. 
WebShare Preferences
  • The preferences “MailHost” and “MailAccount” do not exist anymore. The global preferences “SMTPHost” and “SMTPSender” are used instead. These preferences are available via HELIOS Admin > Settings > Server Settings > SMTP.
ImageServer UB
Layout images
  • Old layouts containing spot colors will no longer contain valid spot colors. ImageServer UB can identify spot colors, alpha channels and alpha masks, while older versions used the wrong flags to code these colors. Use “touch” or “opitouch” to update layout images which contain spot colors. 
“opisrv” telnet access
  • By default, port 2002 is only accessible from localhost, unless the preference 'Programs/opisrv/RemoteAccess' is set to TRUE. 
ImageServer settings / folder syntax options
  • The meaning of the ImageServer Settings option “Ignore Masks for bitmap images” has changed:
    The preference is now 'Global/Printer/IgnoreMasks' instead of 'Global/Opi/IgnoreMasks'. When the option was used in past it should be removed by using the following command:
    prefvalue -k Global/Opi/IgnoreMasks -d
    This option is no longer needed for layout generation since all paths are now copied to the layout image, and the used path can be assigned in the layout application.
  • The meaning of the folder syntax options “%x” and “%y” has changed. These options will now only work as output options and hence do not influence layout generation.  
  • Script Server scripts are now stored in the “Script Server” folder in the “Settings” volume (“var/settings/Script Server”). The HELIOS sample scripts are located in “Script Server/Samples” in the "Settings" volume.
    The “Scripts” volume (“var/scripts”) is no longer used for Script Server scripts. Existing scripts must be moved from “var/scripts” to “var/settings/Script Server”. The “Scripts” volume and the “var/scripts” directory can be deleted after the scripts are moved.
  • The configuration of Script Server queues is now stored in the HELIOS preferences data base. See also HELIOS Update u0551.
  • All HELIOS provided Script Server sample scripts have the suffix “.pl”. 

Migrating HELIOS UB64 to G8
Migrating HELIOS UB2 to UB64
Migrating HELIOS UB+ to UB2
Migrating HELIOS UB+ CD023 to CD024
Migrating HELIOS UB to UB+