HELIOS Print Preview 1.1 User manual

Copyright information
© Copyright 2000 HELIOS Software GmbH (HELIOS). All rights reserved.
This software and the accompanying documentation are subject to copyright. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software - or create derivative works based on it - without prior written consent of HELIOS Software. HELIOS Software does not give any guarantees, or make any warranty or representation regarding this software and documentation, its correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. Neither HELIOS nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and suchlike) arising from the use or inability to use the product.

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3

D-30827 Garbsen, Germany
Internet: www.helios.de

The following products, which are protected by trademarks, are mentioned in this manual:
HELIOS, EtherShare, EtherShare OPI, PDF Handshake, and
Print Preview are trademarks of HELIOS Software GmbH.
Apple, Macintosh, and LaserWriter are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
Sun, and SPARCstation are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Acrobat and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
OPI was developed by Aldus Corporation and now belongs to Adobe Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks used in this documentation belong to their respective owners.

Welcome to Print Preview 1.1
Thank you for purchasing HELIOS Print Preview.
The idea
behind it
Print Preview lets you preview any PostScript print job you have started from no matter what application and sent to your EtherShare server. The software "prints" the output result into a PDF file which can then be opened with the Acrobat Reader or Exchange software. You can check the fonts and colors, the composite impression and all separation plates of each page you have printed.
Real printing of the jobs you have checked can be started automatically or manually, if required. This gives you maximum control over your production and may help you save time and money.
The Acrobat Reader software is free of charge and can be installed from our distribution CD-ROM.
Course of
Our Print Preview software is a new product that comes as an extension to PDF Handshake 1.1.
Contents of the software
The Print Preview 1.1 software package includes an ISO 9660 CD-ROM, a software manual, and an "Activation Key Request" form that serves to request the individual key (kind of password) you need to license and run the product.
For using Print Preview without restrictions, you need a full PDF Handshake 1.1 license. If your PDF Handshake software is running in demo mode you cannot fully license Print Preview and have to use it in demo mode as well. Furthermore, you need a Print Preview software activation key which has to be entered during the installation process. Without this activation key, the software will run in demo mode anyway. More details about demo mode restrictions are given in chapter 4.3.1.
The generation of your key is based on the serial number of your PDF Handshake base product and the serial number of your Print Preview copy. Please keep in mind that - in case you have several EtherShare/PDF Handshake licenses - you should make a long-term decision about which license you want to use with Print Preview. All "expansions" always remain bound to the original base product, meaning that if you want to transfer Print Preview to another UNIX server later (which is allowed under certain conditions) you have to transfer the PDF Handshake base product and consequently even EtherShare to that server as well.
What you have to do
We enclose to our software package an "Activation Key Request" form that has to be used for obtaining the key.
The form already contains your 8-digit Print Preview serial number. You have to add your ("Enduser") name and address, and the serial number of your PDF Handshake 1.1 base product.
Fax or mail the "Activation Key Request" form to HELIOS Software GmbH, Steinriede 3, 30827 Garbsen, Germany, Fax: +49 5131 709325. We do not accept phone requests.
What you will get in return
On receipt of your request form we will generate your individual activation key and then send you an "Activation Key Reply" summarizing the data you need for software activation, namely:
Figure 0-1 shows an example of an "Activation Key Reply".
Abb. 0-1: Example of an "Activation Key Reply"
Activation Key Reply
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System Information
Print Preview

© 2002 HELIOS Software GmbH