PDF HandShake UB2 User manual (Version 4.0.0)  

7 Editing pre-separated PDF documents

PDF HandShake offers a plug-in, which can be used to manipulate the separation plate information in a pre-separated PDF document. The plug-in is called “HELIOS Plate Control”.

This may become necessary when generating PDF separations using Acrobat Distiller 3. However, since modern PDF separation workflows are based on composite workflows with in-RIP separation rather than host-based separation, the “HELIOS Plate Control” plug-in is only provided up to Acrobat 6.

A description of how to use the “HELIOS Plate Control” plug-in for Acrobat can be found in the HELIOS PDF HandShake UB manual.

HELIOS Website © 2011 HELIOS Software GmbH  
HELIOS Manuals November 28, 2012