HELIOS EtherShare 2.6 User manual

A 1: Sample configurations
atalk.conf: main configuration file
"atalk.conf" in "$ESDIR/conf" is the main configuration file for the EtherShare programs. The following example (figure A-1) shows a sample configuration for the AppleTalk protocol stack ("atalkd"), the File Server ("afpsrv"), the Print Server with three printers (three "papsrv" entries, "lw" and "ps"), the Terminal Server ("termsrv"), the Mail Server ("mailsrv"), and the Administration Server ("admsrv").
The AppleTalk protocol stack is connected to the AppleTalk network via an Ethernet interface (interface="le0..."). The network number 10 will be assigned as a Phase II network to zone "EtherZone". The UNIX host's node number will be larger or equal to 140.
The File Server has been assigned the name "isis". Guest access is enabled (guestid=...). As a security feature, it is not possible to save passwords on the local Macintosh hard disk (nosavepasswd) and the minimum password length is 7 characters (minpwlen=...).
The Print Server will show the names of three printers in the Macintosh's Chooser window ("SilentSpooler", "TCPSpooler", and "SerialSpooler", specified by name=...). Print jobs can be passed to the logical printers "lw", "ps" and "Laser2" (specified by printer=...). "lw" is defined as the AppleTalk Printer "Silentwriter" in zone "LocalZone" (entity=...). "ps" is defined as the TCP/IP stream printer with service port number 4000 on internet host "Laser2" is defined as the printer connected to local host port "ttyb", which designates a serial (RS-232) interface in this example.
The Terminal Server will use a VT100 emulation.
The Mail Server will notify recipients immediately if mail is received (biff), check every 30 seconds for incoming mail (mailinterval=...) if "biff" is otherwise occupied, and send mail with the UNIX "sendmail" program (mailer=...).
The Administration Server has been assigned the name "AdminServer" (name=...), The maximum number of workstations that can use the Administration Server at the same time is 8 (sessions=...).
Fig. A-1: Example of "$ESDIR/conf/atalk.conf"
# $ESDIR/conf/atalk.conf
atalkd: if="le0:10-10:140:EtherZone"
afpsrv: name="isis", guestid=macuser,
nosavepasswd, minpwlen=7
papsrv: name="SilentSpooler", printer="lw"
lw: entity= "Silentwriter:LaserWriter@LocalZone"
papsrv: name="TCPSpooler", printer="ps"
ps: host=, service=4000
papsrv: name="SerialSpooler", printer="Laser2"
termsrv: term=vt100
mailsrv: biff, mailinterval=30,
admsrv: name="AdminServer", sessions=8

UNIX printer configuration
The example for "/etc/printcap" (see figure A-2) contains the required entry for the three printers "lw", "ps" and "Laser2". The "lw" entry directs data to an AppleTalk printer via the interface program "papif", here: "lw" (/usr/local/es/if/lw). The "ps" entry directs data to a TCP/IP printer via the interface program "tcpif", here: "ps" ("/usr/local/es/if/ps"). The "Laser2" entry directs data to a serially connected PostScript printer via the interface program "psif", here: "Laser2" ("/usr/local/es/if/Laser2").
Fig. A-2: Example of "/etc/printcap"
# /etc/printcap

AFP user list
The file "$ESDIR/conf/afppasswd" contains an entry for every Macintosh user who is allowed access to the EtherShare File Server. It is optionally created by calling the "$ESDIR/etc/mkafppasswd" program, in order to create the "AFP user list" and thus provide additional AFP security. Three users and the administrator ("root") are shown in this example (see figure A-3). The entry after the user's name is the encrypted password of the user. If the AFP user list exists, the password is inserted automatically by the File Server (by calling the "afppasswd" program) whenever the Change Password... function is used in the Chooser, and should not be inserted manually.
Fig. A-3: Example of "$ESDIR/conf/afppasswd"
# $ESDIR/conf/afppasswd

You can delete this file if you do not want the additional security it provides (see mkafppasswd in chapter 9.9 "File Server utility programs" for details).
The corresponding UNIX password file may look like the following (note that, in this example, passwords have not yet been allocated for users David, Tim and Doris):
Fig. A-4: Example of "/etc/passwd"
root:HCg9Cb2AhPkqE:0:0:System Admin:/:/bin/csh
David::152:16:David Smith:/usr/home/David:/bin/sh
Tim::154:16:Tim Arty:/usr/home/Tim:/bin/sh
Doris::201:18:Doris Lovely::/bin/date

In this example, user "David" has the user number 152. His primary group is group number 16, his full name is "David Smith" and his home directory is "/usr/home/David". If he logs on to UNIX directly, he will get the UNIX Bourne shell. User "Tim" has the user number 154 and his primary group is also group number 16. His full name is "Tim Arty" and his home directory is "/usr/home/Tim". Like David, he will get the UNIX Bourne shell. User "Doris", however, will not get any home directory and has a disabled shell. Her full name is "Doris Lovely", she has the user number 201 and belongs to the primary group 18.
UNIX group list
The file "/etc/group" contains an entry for every group on the UNIX host, both UNIX groups, and EtherShare groups. Two groups are configured in this example (see figure A-5). The group "Projects" has the group number 21 and its members are users David and Tim. The asterisk ("*") in the password field specifies that it is not possible to switch to this group dynamically after logging in. The group "MacUsers" has the group number 18 and its sole member is Doris.
Fig. A-5: Example of "/etc/group"

The file "$ESDIR/conf/afpvolumes" contains an entry for each public File Server volume. In this example (figure A-6), four public volumes have been configured: "EtherShare Applications", "EtherShare", "Projects" and "MO Disk". Each user's optional private volume list, which is disabled by default, (".afpvolumes" in the user's home directory) has the same format.
"EtherShare Applications", "EtherShare" and "Projects" are accessible to members of the "helios" group, "EtherShare Applications" is also accessible to the "developers" group. "MO Disk" is accessible to the "developers" group only.
For space reasons, the first line starting "/usr/..." and ending "...developers" is shown on two lines in figure A-6; in reality, it is a single line without a hyphen in "read-only".
Fig. A-6: Example of "$ESDIR/conf/afpvolumes"
# $ESDIR/conf/afpvolumes
/usr/macapps:EtherShare Applications::fixed:read-only:helios,developers
/mo:MO Disk::changeable:readwrite:developers

Font Directory
Figure A-7 shows an example of "$ESDIR/psfonts/
Fig. A-7: Example of "$ESDIR/psfonts/FontDirectory"

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