HELIOS ImageServer UB User manual

10 Technical support
If your ImageServer software does not work as expected, there are different ways of looking for help:
Setting up an error report
A complete error report should include:
To allow your HELIOS dealer to solve the problem, be prepared to submit the following information in writing:
- Include the complete "Versions" file (see above)
- Specify the type of your Macintosh/PC and the
Mac OS/Windows version number
- List the exact error messages - if there are any
- List the Macintosh/PC applications you are using (name and version number)
- Which network and printer drivers are currently installed (include version numbers)?
- Give us the settings you have entered in the HELIOS Admin dialogs (screenshots may be helpful)
- If printing does not work properly:
- If generating/placing layouts does not work properly:
- If color matching does not work properly:

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