HELIOS Base UB User manual

4 The Base product
In the following descriptions, instructions, and examples, the expression "HELIOSDIR" is used for the path of the directory where the HELIOS software is installed. For example, this could be "/usr/local/helios".
For those who have already installed previous versions of EtherShare or PCShare:
The former default installation paths "/usr/local/es" and
"/usr/local/pcshare" respectively, can easily be migrated to the new default path "/usr/local/helios" by means of the HELIOS Installer (see 4.3.1 "Migrate Settings").
4.1 Software installation
4.1.1 System requirements
The following list gives details about the hard- and software you need for making the HELIOS Base software successfully work:
4.1.2 General remarks
About this chapter
This chapter describes the steps that are indispensable for a standard installation and gives short explanations, where necessary. Please remember that all activities you have to do are marked by an "instruction" arrow in the left margin. For a quick installation, you may proceed directly from one instruction to the other, and skip the explanations in between.
References to HELIOS CDs
References to "CD017 or earlier" mean EtherShare 2.6, PCShare 3.0, EtherShare OPI 2.1, PDF HandShake 2.0, and PrintPreview 1.1, or earlier.
References to "4th generation" mean EtherShare 3.1, PCShare 3.1 WebShare 1.0, ImageServer 2.5, PDF HandShake 2.1 and PrintPreview 2.0. These versions were available on HELIOS CD018, CD019, and CD020.
Machine ID USB-dongle for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows
For Mac OS X, Linux and Windows machines, the machine ID is provided by a USB-dongle, which you receive from your HELIOS dealer, and which you have to plug in first (see the note on page 0-16 in "Welcome to HELIOS Base").
The server installation program(s)
The installation is carried out by two separated programs. The first program ("installer") must be started from the CD-ROM. It lets you select the product(s) you wish to install and copies all related files and the installation program to the local disk of your host. The "backend" installer then automatically completes the installation.
HELIOS issues software updates every now and then to enhance the product. These updates are distributed via the HELIOS web server and they are included on every HELIOS CD-ROM. The installation procedure for software updates is described in 17 "The HELIOS Update Installer".

Note: For installing the HELIOS software, you must be able to log in as "root" on your host.

4.1.3 Preparing the installation
Have your activation key at hand?
You can install the HELIOS software without a software activation key (kind of password).

Note: If you do not enter any activation key, the HELIOS product you have installed will run in a 3-hour demo mode only.

In case you have no activation key at hand, please follow the instructions given in the paragraphs License information and What you have to do in "Welcome to HELIOS Base" at the beginning of this manual.
Under certain conditions, HELIOS issues so-called demo licenses. If you are entitled to get a demo license, you will receive an activation key for demonstration purposes that expires after a given period of time.
Preparing the host
The host must be provided with a fully installed and configured operating system. You must be able to log in as superuser ("root") to allow the installation program to create subdirectories and make the required system changes.

Important: Before starting the installation, you should create a backup copy of the system disk of your host computer.

Upgrading from earlier HELIOS CDs
Those who upgrade from an earlier product version, e.g. CD016, install as described in 4.1.5 "Software installation" and 4.3 "Migrating from earlier versions (CD017 or earlier) to UB".
4.1.4 Navigating within the HELIOS Installer
Key shortcuts
The "HELIOS Installer" is a server program and does not support mouse operation. It is designed to be fully operable with the keys available on a standard "vt100"-keyboard.
You can highlight menu items either by:
TAB (or Ctrl-I)
In screens with several input fields, you can skip to the next field by means of the TAB key.
In screens with several input fields, you can skip to the previous field with "Shift+TAB".
In lists, the BACKSPACE key deletes the selected entry. In text fields, it deletes the character to the left of the cursor and moves all other text one position to the left in order to fill the gap.

Note: If BACKSPACE (on some special terminals/keyboards) does not work, try DEL instead.

The DEL key deletes the character under the cursor and moves all other text one position to the left to fill the gap. The DEL key is not always available on a UNIX terminal keyboard.
Home (or Ctrl-A)
The cursor is moved to the start of the current field or the first line of the list.
End (or Ctrl-E)
The cursor is moved to the end of the current field or the last line of the list.
PgUp (or Ctrl-P)
The cursor is moved to the previous page of a multiple-page list.
PgDown (or Ctrl-N)
The cursor is moved to the next page of a multiple-page list.
CsrUp (or Ctrl-K)
The cursor is moved up one line.
CsrDown (or Ctrl-J)
The cursor is moved down one line.
CsrLeft (or Ctrl-H)
The cursor is moved left one character.
CsrRight (or Ctrl-L)
The cursor is moved right one character.
Esc (or Ctrl-X)
The currently selected function is aborted and the program goes back to the previous prompt or action.
The current input or selection is accepted.
Insert (or Ctrl-V)
In lists, the Insert key inserts an entry. In text fields, the Insert key inserts a space character at the cursor position.
Refresh the screen display. Sometimes needed for terminals.
4.1.5 Software installation

Note: If you plan to install the HELIOS Software on a Mac OS X platform, skip ahead to 4.1.6 "Software installation (Mac OS X)".
If you are not upgrading to the new software products move to First time installation on the next page.

Before installing and migrating the new product versions, all previous HELIOS products must be stopped and deactivated in order to prevent the old product versions from being loaded instead of the new ones (Note that running the "uninstall" script is only required for versions before 4th generation, i.e. up to CD 017):
cd /usr/local/es
cd /usr/local/pcshare
The installation and migration can be done by installing the new versions without removing the previous versions. If you are upgrading from versions prior to EtherShare 3.1, PCShare 3.1, etc., please install the new versions in a different directory, e.g. "/usr/local/helios".
First time installation
You are guided through the installation by a menu-driven program, the HELIOS Installer. While older HELIOS installation processes required a lot of confirmations by the user/system administrator, e.g. accepting various default settings, this HELIOS Installer does nearly everything on its own. You merely have to start the installation.

Note: The following installation example describes the steps that must be taken on an IBM RS/6000 computer under AIX. Slight deviations may occur - depending on your system type and configuration.

To start the installation, log in as "root" on your host.
Then place the CD-ROM in the CD drive of your host computer and enter the mount and install commands which may be different for different host systems.
The appropriate commands for your specific computer are stated in the booklet we have enclosed with our CD-ROM.
Example: (IBM/RS 6000 computer under AIX):
mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom
cd /cdrom
sh installer
As soon as you have entered the last command, the Introduction, Welcome, and License windows of the "HELIOS Installer" window appear.
If you agree to the terms and conditions select Agree. If you do not agree select Disagree; then the installation of the HELIOS software will be cancelled.
The HELIOS Installer main menu appears (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: The HELIOS Installer main menu

Note: The bottom of the HELIOS Installer window provides helpful details and instructions.

The default installation path of the HELIOS software is
"/usr/local/helios". However, if you want to use - for whatever reason - a different path you must first specify it in the HELIOS Installer.
In the HELIOS Installer select Setup from the main menu and specify the desired path. Then confirm your changes with Ok, else select Cancel.
You get back again to the main menu of HELIOS Installer.

Note: The HELIOS Installer creates an installation log file in the "/tmp" directory ("helios.installer.log") which records all actions and steps that have been taken during the installation or migration process.

To start the installation of the HELIOS software select Install HELIOS Products from the main menu and press RETURN.
HELIOS installation
The Installable Products section shows all available HELIOS software products. HELIOS software products already installed on the server are listed in the Already Installed section. Otherwise this section is missing (Fig. 2 and 3).
Fig. 2: Install HELIOS Products menu

Note: The HELIOS products Base and Base Data are always required for the installation of any other HELIOS product, e.g. EtherShare, PCShare, etc.
Fig. 3: Install HELIOS Products menu

In the Installable Products section highlight the product you wish to install and press the space bar, so it becomes marked. To deselect one (or more) item(s) in the list, press the space bar again.
The example in Fig. 2 shows that Base (with Base Data) and EtherShare are already installed, and PCShare is about to be installed. Fig. 3 shows a "fresh" installation of Base (with Base Data), EtherShare and PCShare, where no HELIOS product software was installed before.

Important: Starting the installation will stop all HELIOS services running on the server. Therefore, please make sure all HELIOS users are logged-out before you install new products. To verify the HELIOS user status you can use the "swho" command described in 7.7 "swho", or use HELIOS Admin (Lists > Active Users).

After you have marked all products that you want to install confirm with Ok.
The Installation successfully completed window shows the status of the installation (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Installation ... completed window

Leave the installation menu with Esc or Ctrl-X (see also 4.1.4 "Navigating within the HELIOS Installer") to get back to the main menu. You can now quit the HELIOS Installer.
The HELIOS Installer has now installed all of the specified applications and related updates from the HELIOS CD. You may wish to know if there are subsequent updates available for download and installation. See 17 "The HELIOS Update Installer" for complete details.
See 15 "Uninstalling the HELIOS software" for instructions on how to remove the HELIOS software from the server.
If this is an upgrade installation, you can now migrate your settings from the previous versions. To do so, skip ahead to 4.3 "Migrating from earlier versions (CD017 or earlier) to UB"
Otherwise, your next step is to enter the HELIOS software license(s) for the installed product(s). Find instructions on how to do that by skipping ahead to 4.4 "Licenses".
4.1.6 Software installation (Mac OS X)
In order to install the HELIOS software on a Mac OS X platform, do the following:
Insert the HELIOS CD-ROM in the Mac OS X computer and double-click the "HELIOS Network Installer" CD icon, which appears on the desktop.
In the "HELIOS Network Installer" window double-click the "mac-os-x" folder.
Start the installation by double-clicking the "HELIOS Installer" icon.
The Welcome to the HELIOS Installer dialog window appears (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5: Welcome to the HELIOS Installer window

Then click on the padlock symbol in order to authenticate yourself to make changes (Fig. 6).
If you have administrative rights on the machine you can use your name and password in the authentication dialog.
Fig. 6: The HELIOS Installer Authenticate dialog

The Introduction dialog (Fig. 7) gives an overview of the installable HELIOS products and their main features.
Make sure that the Please select pull-down menu shows the entry Installation, and click Continue to proceed.
Fig. 7: The HELIOS Installer Introduction window

The License Agreement window appears (Fig. 8).
Read the content carefully and click Continue.
If you agree to the terms and conditions click Agree. If you do not agree click Disagree; then the installation of the HELIOS software will be cancelled.
Fig. 8: The HELIOS Installer License Agreement

In the Destination for HELIOS Products menu (Fig. 9) enter the path to the location where you want to install the HELIOS products, or click Choose, which brings up the Macintosh File Selector (Fig. 10). Then click Continue.
Fig. 9: Destination for HELIOS Products menu
Fig. 10: Destination for HELIOS Products menu
Fig. 11: Install HELIOS Products menu

The Installable Products section shows all available HELIOS software products. If there are already HELIOS software products installed on the server they are listed in the Already Installed section. Otherwise this section is empty (Fig. 11 and 12).
Fig. 12: Install HELIOS Products menu

Note: The HELIOS products Base and Base Data are always required for the installation of any other HELIOS product, e.g. EtherShare, PCShare, etc.

In the Installable Products section click the checkbox of the product you wish to install (see Fig. 12).
The example shows that Base (with Base Data) and EtherShare are already installed, and PCShare is about to be installed. Fig. 11 shows a "fresh" installation of Base (with Base Data), EtherShare and PCShare, where no HELIOS product software was installed before.

Important: Starting the installation will stop all HELIOS services running on the server. Therefore, please make sure all HELIOS users are logged-out before you install new products. To verify the HELIOS user status you can use the "swho" command described in 7.7 "swho", or use HELIOS Admin (Lists > Active Users).

After you have marked all products that you want to install confirm with Install.
The Status window (Fig. 13) informs you about the progress of the HELIOS software installation. As soon as the installation has finished, the software is started so the services are available immediately.
Enter the HELIOS software license(s) for the installed product(s) according to 4.4 "Licenses".
Fig. 13: The HELIOS Installer Status menu

4.2 Upgrading from 4th generation products to UB
When upgrading from HELIOS 4th generation products to the UB products, all settings are preserved. See the migration documentation for details:
Users of HELIOS 4th generation can skip the next chapter and continue reading with 4.4 "Licenses".
4.3 Migrating from earlier versions (CD017 or earlier) to UB
This section is applicable to sites upgrading from these versions or earlier: EtherShare 2.6, PCShare 3.0, EtherShare OPI 2.1, PDF HandShake 2.0, and PrintPreview 1.1 (see References to HELIOS CDs in 4.1.2 "General remarks").
4.3.1 Migrate Settings
The format to store server settings was changed beginning with the 4th generation version. There is only one preferences file for all HELIOS products. You can convert your configuration files (e.g. "atalk.conf") from a previous version.
Select Migrate Settings from the HELIOS Installer.

Note: Keep in mind that you must have installed the new product before you can migrate. You might also need to adjust the migrated settings manually.

Verify that the paths are correct and select the settings to migrate, select Ok and quit the HELIOS Installer (Fig. 14).
Fig. 14: Migrate Settings menu

Important: If you are migrating settings from just one product, EtherShare or PCShare, you must erase the other path entry in the respective field (Fig. 14)! Otherwise, you will receive an error message.

The Migrate Settings feature calls the HELIOS utility "migrate", which is described in 7.4 "migrate".
Now enter the following command to start the services again:
cd /usr/local/helios
bin/start-helios -i
4.3.2 Previous (CD017 and earlier) and new versions settings
The following comparison shows where the various software settings used to be set in previous versions, and where they are set in the new version (see References to HELIOS CDs in 4.1.2 "General remarks").
Previous versions settings New settings
Volumes EtherShare & PCShare
-/conf/afpvolumes -/var/conf/Preferences
-/conf/exports -/var/conf/Preferences
EtherShare Printers
/etc/printcap -/var/conf/printcap
-/PPD & font list -/var/spool/qmeta/
-/lpr Interface files -/var/spool/qmeta/
-/conf/atalk.conf -/var/conf/Preferences
AppleTalk Network Interface Settings
All AppleTalk network interfaces are migrated into the preferences file. The interfaces are stored with the same syntax (e.g.: if=-, nif=-), but in the form of a string list in the preferences file. The settings can be verified by issuing the "prefdump" command. The interface settings are stored in:
[Programs][atalkd][if] = active interfaces
[Programs][atalkd][nif] = inactive interfaces
To configure the network interfaces use the "netconf" program, which is described in the EtherShare manual (Note that Mac OS X uses its own network interface configuration program instead of "netconf").
PCShare Printers
As all new printer queues can be administered via HELIOS Admin and new output options are available, we have decided not to migrate PCShare printers to the new preferences storage. Shared printers can be published for PCShare with a single click in HELIOS Admin. Other printer queues must be created using HELIOS Admin.
Only old DOS printer queues using the HELIOS PCShare DOS "printsrv" must be configured using PCShare Admin.
-/conf/afppasswd -/var/conf/passwd
-/conf/ethers.pcs -/var/conf/ethers.pcs
IP Access Lists
-/conf/ipaccess -/var/conf/ipaccess
OPI Settings
-/conf/Preferences -/var/conf/Preferences
Please note that home directories are turned on by default. Home volume settings can be configured by use of HELIOS Admin. For a conversion between different character sets on home volumes refer to the utility script "converthome" in the EtherShare manual.
OPI & PDF HandShake server settings
OPI & PDF HandShake server settings are not migrated, please set them manually in HELIOS Admin (Settings > PDF HandShake Settings and ImageServer Settings).
PCShare WINS and Browsing
These settings are migrated.
4.3.3 Switching back to the old versions (up to CD017 and earlier)
As all old configuration files will stay unchanged in the system it is possible to switch back to the previous versions anytime (see References to HELIOS CDs in 4.1.2 "General remarks").
Deactivate the new HELIOS product version by taking the following steps:
cd /usr/local/helios
bin/stop-helios now
sbin/uninstall -unconfigure
cd /usr/local/es
In the "EtherShare Installation Menu" take the steps
1) Install programs and configuration files and
2) Install and configure AppleTalk kernel modules. Then quit the "EtherShare Installation Menu".
Likewise, if you also have PCShare installed:
cd /usr/local/pcshare
In the "PCShare Installation Menu" take only step
1) Install programs and configuration files.
Then quit the "PCShare Installation Menu".

Note: All changes and modifications applied to the new versions are not migrated back into the previous product versions.

4.3.4 Switching back to the new versions
After the new version is installed and running, the old version can remain on the server for the purpose of switching back to the previous versions.
To prevent the old versions from loading during a system boot, deactivate the old product versions as start scripts, and start the HELIOS services again:
cd /usr/local/es
cd /usr/local/pcshare
cd /usr/local/helios
bin/start-helios -i
4.3.5 Migrating a second time
If you have used the previous version or the migration failed it is possible to start the migration again. Every time you do a migration the old version settings will override the new version settings.
4.3.6 Removing the old versions completely
cd /usr/local/es
cd ..
rm -rf es
cd /usr/local/pcshare
cd ..
rm -rf pcshare
cd /usr/local/helios
bin/start-helios -i
The font lists and PPD of all spool files can be removed because the new one is in "HELIOSDIR/var/spool/qmeta".
The new versions provide an ICC-Profiles volume.
After all existing ICC-Profiles have been copied into the "HELIOSDIR/var/ICC-Profiles" volume, the old
ICC-Profiles volume can be removed.
4.4 Licenses
For instructions on how to enter HELIOS software licenses on a Mac OS X platform read 4.4.3 "Entering a new license (Mac OS X)".
4.4.1 Entering a new license
After you have installed a HELIOS software product on the server you must license the program in order to make it work.
On the command line of the host machine log in as "root" and enter:
cd /usr/local/helios
The License a HELIOS Product menu appears (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15: License a HELIOS Product menu

In the Licensed Products section highlight ...New Entry and press RETURN (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16: License a HELIOS Product menu

In our example, we license the PCShare software which was installed in HELIOS installation above in this chapter.
In the PCShare Base License dialog window (Fig.17) enter the serial number of the product, the number of users (i.e. the type of license you purchased with the software product) and the checksum which you get from the "Activation Key Reply" form. Then confirm with Ok.

Note: What you have to do in "Welcome to HELIOS Base" shows you step-by-step how to receive the "Activation Key Reply" form with the required keys.

To leave the License a HELIOS Product menu go to Ok and press RETURN. Otherwise the changes you have applied to the server will not take effect.
The corresponding HELIOS application must be stopped and restarted for the new license to take effect. See 4.5 "Starting/Stopping HELIOS Services manually".
Fig. 17: License a HELIOS Product menu

4.4.2 Removing a HELIOS license from the server
An already existing HELIOS license cannot be edited. In such cases it must be removed and then replaced by another. To remove a HELIOS software license do the following:
In the License a HELIOS Product menu highlight the software license you want to remove and press BACKSPACE or Ctrl-H (see also 4.1.4 "Navigating within the HELIOS Installer").
To leave the License a HELIOS Product menu go to Ok and press RETURN. Otherwise the changes you have applied to the server will not take effect.
4.4.3 Entering a new license (Mac OS X)
"HELIOS Services" is a GUI application designed for entering HELIOS software licenses, and for easily starting and stopping HELIOS processes.
Double-click the "HELIOS Services" icon in the "Applications" folder and select the Licenses tab within the "HELIOS Services" window (Fig. 18).
The field Machine ID shows the machine ID of your Apple computer. In the other field all HELIOS product licenses are displayed, with Product name, Serial Number, and Expiration Date (Note that the entry in the Expiration Date column remains empty if you are running the software with a full license.).
Fig. 18: "HELIOS Services" - View License

Click View License File- to see the complete license file (Fig. 19).
This may be convenient if you wish to view and extract serial numbers etc. with "copy and paste".
Click Add License- to add a new HELIOS product license.
Fig. 19: "HELIOS Services" - View License
Fig. 20: "HELIOS Services" - Add License

An extra dialog window opens (Fig. 20) which lets you choose the desired product from the pull-down menu Product, and lets you enter the serial number (Serial), the number of Units, and the Checksum. As mentioned before, if you are running a full license of the HELIOS products, leave the Expires field empty. Otherwise, the expiration date of the demo or subscription license must be entered in the Expires field as well.

Note: All HELIOS products are licensed for use on a single computer system ("server"). The server has a unique machine identification ("HELIOS MachID") which is provided by a HELIOS USB dongle. The software can only once be licensed for a given USB dongle (MachID). Compare Fig. 18 and 19.

HELIOS services must be stopped and restarted for the new license to take effect. See 4.5 "Starting/Stopping HELIOS Services manually".
4.5 Starting/Stopping HELIOS Services manually
For instructions on how to start and stop HELIOS Services under Mac OS X skip to Start/Stop (Mac OS X) below.
Sometimes it might become necessary to start or stop HELIOS services on the server manually, e.g. after installing updates via the HELIOS Update Installer (see also 17 "The HELIOS Update Installer").
Starting all HELIOS processes on the server manually is done as follows:
On the command line of the host machine log in as "root" and enter:
# cd /usr/local/helios
# bin/start-helios
Stopping all HELIOS processes on the server is done as follows:
# cd /usr/local/helios
# bin/stop-helios now

Important: Before issuing the "stop-helios" command make sure that all clients are logged-off (e.g. with the "swho" command, see 7.7 "swho").

(Mac OS X)
"HELIOS Services" is a Mac OS X GUI application designed for entering HELIOS software licenses, and for easily starting and stopping HELIOS processes.
Double-click the "HELIOS Services" icon in the "Applications" folder.
The HELIOS Services window appears providing information on the HELIOS products status when you click Status.
Starting the HELIOS services
In order to start the HELIOS software do the following:
Click the lock icon (Fig. 21) to authenticate. After the authentication, the Start button will become available.
Fig. 21: "HELIOS Services" - Click the lock

Click the Start button within the HELIOS Services window.
The Messages box shows the information that the HELIOS services are being started. When all available services are running, the display shows Done..
A click on the Status button then reveals a listing of all HELIOS processes (Fig. 22) and gives information about their name (Service), their Status, their process ID number (PID), date and time of starting (When), and - if a process has been started more than once - the number of Restarts.
Fig. 22: "HELIOS Services" - View process status

Stopping the HELIOS services
In order to stop all HELIOS services on Mac OS X do the following:
Click Stop within the Status tab window.
"HELIOS Services" has a feature that lets you specify a shutdown message and the time span to shutdown (Fig. 23).
Fig. 23: "HELIOS Services" - Specifying shutdown options

Specify the shutdown message in the Shutdown message text box. In the Time to shutdown (minutes) field enter the time after which the services should be stopped (if you specify "0" for the time to shutdown the services will be stopped immediately).

Important: Shutting down a Mac OS X machine does not stop the HELIOS software. At the next login, all volumes which were open at shutdown are rebuilt.

The Messages box then displays the information that the HELIOS services are being stopped (Fig. 24).
Fig. 24: "HELIOS Services" - Stopping services

4.6 HELIOS TCP/IP security overview
HELIOS server applications allow very precise, and easy to administer, control of access to their services. For example, access to volumes can be limited to members of specific groups (if you are not a member of an authorized group, the volume will not even be listed to login), and ca password can be required to mount the volume. Printers can also be password protected. HELIOS Admin recognizes four levels of authorization, to allow appropriate delegation of administrative capabilities.
4.6.1 Setting passwords
During the installation of the HELIOS software the users "root" and "demouser" are created. Both of them come without any password, i.e. their password field is empty. This means a significant lack of security (anybody can log on to the server as user "root" without needing to know the password), and so you should specify a password for "root".

Important: For your own security, provide your user accounts with passwords to prevent them from unauthorized access and abuse!

Note: If this is an upgrade from an installation that utilized HELIOS encrypted passwords, and those settings were migrated to the new version, then normally no further action is needed.

To set a "root" password, do the following:
Launch HELIOS Admin.
HELIOS Admin is automatically installed in the "HELIOS Applications" volume of the HELIOS server. See 6.2 "Starting HELIOS Admin" for instructions on how to run HELIOS Admin from any network client, or on the host server itself.
From the HELIOS Admin File menu, select Login. Use User Name "root" and leave the Password field empty.
Open the Users tab select the "root" entry from the list and double-click it.
The User configuration window for "root" opens (Fig. 25).
Fig. 25: HELIOS Admin - User configuration window

Specify a password for "root" in the Password field and click Save.
On specifying the password, HELIOS Admin prompts for the new password to be entered once again. This ensures that no typing mistakes have been made. After clicking OK the password will be allocated to user "root".

Note: The password field is always shown empty, even if the user has already allocated a password.

Note: On a Mac OS X machine, the "root" login is disabled by default. Once a "root" password is specified with HELIOS Admin, the "root" login is enabled automatically.

Also note that if a password is modified via host system tools, our additional password file is not changed. Therefore it makes more sense to administer users with HELIOS Admin.

Then set passwords for all other existing users, or add new users (passwords defined in HELIOS Admin also update the user's system password).
Alternatively, passwords can be set by using the HELIOS utility program "authutil". See 7.15 "authutil".
4.6.2 IP Access Control Lists
HELIOS offers additional access control by means of IP access lists, based upon the user's IP address. The default installation creates a single IP access list, that specifies which IP addresses are allowed access to HELIOS resources (volumes, home directories, printers) and services (HELIOS Admin).
All of the above settings are easily configured by means of HELIOS Admin, which allows easy GUI-based server administration from any client on the network. Once the HELIOS software is installed, HELIOS Admin should be used to configure these security options.
Finer IP-based access control can be specified for individual HELIOS resources. For example, each volume can have its own IP access list. This allows certain volumes to be accessible only from within the local network, while others can be made available to remote offices or customers. Or the System Administrator can be authorized to access HELIOS Admin from home. The default IP access list is called ipaccess, and is described in 5.8 "HELIOSDIR/var/conf". To create a resource-specific IP access list, create an "ipaccess" file (see 6.8.5 "IP Access") with the desired access settings for that resource, and use either HELIOS Admin or the "prefvalue" command to associate it with the appropriate volume, etc. For reference, upon installation, a second access list is created, ipaccess.local, which contains the settings that will allow access only to users on the local network.
"AFP server preference keys" (see EtherShare manual)
"PCShare preferences" (see PCShare manual)
"papsrv" (see EtherShare manual)

4.6.3 Firewall ports
If your server is protected by a firewall, then access from network clients to HELIOS server services (volumes, printers, Admin, etc.) will be blocked by the firewall, until ports for the respective services are opened in the firewall.
For example, in a Mac OS X system, these ports need to be open:
137 PCShare Browsing
138 PCShare NetBIOS
139 PCShare SMB/CIFS
427 HELIOS Base SLP Server
445 PCShare SMB/CIFS
1024 EtherShare AFP
2004 EtherShare Admin
2005 Create PDF Server
2006 HELIOS Admin
2007 EtherShare print spooler
2009 WebShare WebObjects Server
2010-2015 WebShare File Server
You will not need any other ports open, unless you enable other HELIOS services (e.g. DHCP server, Remote LPR, etc.).
A complete overview about TCP server and client ports used by the HELIOS software is given in A 3.5 "TCP ports used by HELIOS".
4.7 After the installation - What now?
Read the manuals of the HELIOS software products you have installed.
Check the product specific README files which contain the latest information and updates that did not make it into the manuals. They are available in:
To configure the network interfaces use - if necessary - the "netconf" program, which is described in the EtherShare manual (except for Mac OS X which uses its own network interface configuration program).

Note: If EtherShare is installed, and the server has more than one network interface, then AppleTalk routing is automatically configured. If you need to change the configuration, refer to the EtherShare manual for instructions on the "netconf" utility (recommended). Alternatively, the prefvalue command can be used to set the "atalkd" preferences (see "AppleTalk preference keys" in the HELIOS EtherShare manual).

Test the installation.

Note: HELIOS LanTest can be used to test network server volume and local hard disk performance. LanTest can be found in the "HELIOS Applications" volume, in the "MacOS" > "EtherShare Tools" > "HELIOS LanTest" folder.

Verify that user passwords have been set (see 4.6.1 "Setting passwords").
Set up users, groups, volumes, printers, ipaccess, etc. We recommend to do this with HELIOS Admin (see 6 "HELIOS Admin").
4.8 Migration to other platforms

Note: This chapter only refers to migrating software as of HELIOS CD018 or newer (i.e. EtherShare 3.1, PCShare 3.1, WebShare 1.0, ImageServer 2.5, PDF HandShake 2.1 and PrintPreview 2.0, or newer).

All installed HELIOS products and settings can be transferred to a new platform by installing the HELIOS products from CD and moving the HELIOS "var" folder to the new platform. All server settings including volumes and printers are transferred to the new platform and are automatically used on the new system. All volumes and printer spool directories will then be re-created on the new platform when start-helios -i is executed.
The HELIOS software on Sun Solaris is subject to be transferred to a Linux platform:
Install the HELIOS software from CD on the new platform (in this example Linux).
Then enter the command "stop-helios" on the new (Linux) platform.
Enter the command "stop-helios" on the old (here Sun Solaris) platform. Copy the complete "HELIOSDIR/var" directory, which contains all volumes and printer settings, from the old platform to the new platform (Linux).
In doing so the "HELIOSDIR/var" directory on the Linux platform will be replaced with the "HELIOSDIR/var" directory of the Sun Solaris platform.
On the new (Linux) platform, enter the command:
# start-helios -i
All existing server settings from the Sun Solaris platform are now available on the Linux platform.

Note: Users, groups and volume content are NOT migrated. Please set users and groups manually in HELIOS Admin (Lists > Users and Lists > Groups), and copy the volume content from the old to the new platform.

4.9 Backing up HELIOS settings
It is prudent to save to CD, the "HELIOSDIR/var" directory at regular intervals, so that if a prior setting needs to be recovered, or if the server goes down and you want to quickly migrate settings to a different server, it will be easy to do so. Tape backups are often not readily accessible for such purposes.
4.9.1 Automatic backup of configuration
The configuration in "var/conf" and "var/spool/qmeta" is automatically saved daily in a "tar" file. This allows restoring old settings, e.g. if the preferences file has accidentally been deleted.
If there is the need to restore the system to a previous configuration, go to "HELIOSDIR/var/adm" and open the desired "tar" archive "configuration.tgz" (today) to "configuration.tgz.6" (seven days ago).
4.10 Data backup
As with all computer systems, it is highly advisable to make regular backups of network volumes to tape or disk. Although modern servers provide comprehensive safety mechanisms in case of system faults, it is never possible to fully exclude loss of data. For this reason, the administrator should regularly archive all volumes of the file server to mass storage. For data backup solutions see the HELIOS web site:

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